Luxury Trailer Porta Potty

luxury porta potty at an outdoor eventA luxury trailer porta potty is available in case you are hosting a high-end event. These are not your typical portable potties with a rugged portable handwashing station and a beat mirror. These units spew luxury, just like the name suggests. They are therefore suitable for events such as Tv and film production, which bring together the who and who’s. You do not expect a seasoned movie actor to visit a regular portable toilet when he has been surrounded by luxury all through his or her lifetime.

In case you are wondering how these trailers look like, here is a detailed list of some of the standard features:


It goes unsaid that these units are large. Hosting all those features is not an easy fete, and therefore requires a relatively large space. They mostly have a width of eight feet and above with a record depth of over twelve feet. They are also pretty tall, measuring up to ten feet. Due to their large sizes, the holding tanks are also pretty large. Users get tanks of up to 500 gallons for the smaller models. Other bigger models with more bathroom options have larger tanks.


A luxury trailer porta potty has a superb design. Some come as a private unit, which houses only one guest while others have as many as ten restrooms on a single trailer. You can imagine the number of users that these other options can host. The units also have proper lighting, thanks to the reliable sources of energy used. You can expect beautifully hanging chandeliers close to the sinks and the toilets. The lighting also contributes to the superb aesthetic appearance of this mobile toilet option.

Lastly, the design of these toilets considers natural lighting. You get a well-lit restroom during the day.

Counter space

A unique design that you will not find in may porta potties is the counter space. However, this unit has an ample counter space where you can house some of your belonging before using the toilet. You don’t have to drag all your phones or wallets to the toilet, especially if it is a private luxury trailer portable potty.

The counter space also blends in well with the contemporary design of these units. You get well-done walls and magnificent pieces of art in some. A luxury trailer porta potty is a sight to behold.

Running water

This is pretty obvious. These mobile units have ever-running water and fully functional sinks. The only difference between these and your residential unit is that they are portable. Otherwise, everything that your private restroom has is represented.

These portable toilets are generally referred to as luxury, VIP, or wedding trailers because of these exquisite features. They definitely cost more than all the other options.


The luxury trailer portable potties are suited for luxurious events. You will, therefore, spot them in weddings, corporate functions, film production, and other events attended by influential people. You can contact us if you need any porta potty services Dallas and its environs.