Wheelchair Accessible Porta Potty

The physically challenged also deserve toilet facilities when attending events. In case you are looking for the best mobile toilets for such parties, the wheelchair accessible porta potty is all you need. These units have the requisite features to accommodate those on wheelchairs. They are widely spaced to give room for easier accessibility. These units also have several security features, which is necessary for the physically challenged. You can, therefore, be sure of including everybody if you rent these units.

Let us look at some of the common features to help you have a more comprehensive understanding of these units:


Security is of the essence when dealing with the physically disabled. They are generally vulnerable to falls and accidents since they only rely on a few limbs. They cannot, therefore, support themselves well against different factors. To ensure that users are secure, these units have handrails that they can use for support when entering the facilities or getting off their wheelchairs. These rails are also pretty strong to generously support their body weights.

People on wheelchairs cannot also balance themselves well, predisposing them to fatal falls. The units, therefore, have rough floors to increase the friction between the floor and the wheels of the wheelchair. The anti-slip floors also make these units pretty secure, especially if water spills on the floor.

Easy entry

Instead of a ramp, these units are constructed in a lowly way and therefore have flat entrances. Wheelchair users can enter the facilities and exit easily without any extra help. The entry and exit points are also wide enough to offer maximum room for the passing of wheelchairs. Users also get a lowly toilet seat, which is very helpful. You will therefore easily access these facilities instead of spending a lot of time positioning themselves on the toilet seats. Lastly, there are no obstructions along the pathways, which is an added advantage.


Privacy is everything when using a washroom, especially in a public place. Therefore, these facilities have secure locks to keep other users at bay.


The wheelchair accessible porta potty is conveniently spaced for easier manoeuvring. They are wider than the standard porta potties and also larger than the deluxe units. Most of them have a width of 65 inches and a depth of around eighty inches. They are also quite tall, with a height of 90-95 inches. The holding tank capacity is also quite generous, measuring 70 gallons.

Also, keep in mind that these units are ADA-reliable. ADA, which is the Americans with Disabilities Act, lays out all the standard guidelines for equal public accommodations for everybody living with a disability. You can trust these units in case you do not have the legal capacity to offer wheel-chair accessible bathrooms.


Event organizers need to include everybody in their functions. These units are thus meant for any event attended by the physically challenged, ranging from corporate to social gatherings. In case you need these porta potties for your function, do not fail to contact us. We also offer other porta potty services.